Spirituality Sunday 7th July - 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Morning reflection is issued every week by our Chaplain and is available on the school’s website:
We have all started our work on the final RE topic of the year. This has a focus of the planet and the people on it. Children in Year 3 will be learning about special places, and especially those of pilgrimage. With holidays coming up, this may be a nice topic for conversation.
Alternatively, Year 4 have started to think about Saints, and are full of enthusiasm about researching their own names and the names of their families. Do your children know why you chose their name?
This week pupils in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 enjoyed hearing about Joseph Bear's pilgrimage to the Holy Land. As they went back to class they were given a Jerusalem Cross pilgrimage 'badge'. The Jerusalem Cross is a design composed of 5 crosses. If your child has been wearing one, you may wish to ask them what the 5 crosses signify.
Table Talk Topic for this week - If both hands fall off a clock, is it still a clock? Just a reminder, that we have a Prayer Intention Book in the Reception area of each school. Please feel free to write your intentions in as you wish. Thank you to those who have added to it. Please take the time to read it when visiting the school.
Spirituality Sunday 30th June - SS Peter and Paul, Apostles
Morning reflection is issued every week by our Chaplain and is available on the school’s website:
This week, pupils in the Junior school have started learning about other faiths. This is always fascinating, and it is really pleasing that many children are making links with what they have seen and heard in our assemblies about the festivals celebrated by people of faith in Britain. Why not point out some places of worship if you are out and about in the car, bus or train? Within a mile or two of school there are prayer halls and mosques, a synagogue and many Christian churches.
Our next topic is about the Universal Church. This includes much teaching and learning about stewardship of the planet and caring for God's people. Many of these lessons will take place in our lovely grounds, so that we can appreciate the gift and beauty of the planet we call home.
Table Talk Topic for this week - If I tell a joke which needs to be translated, who makes the other person laugh: me or the translator?? Just a reminder, that we have a Prayer Intention Book in the Reception area of each school. Please feel free to write your intentions in as you wish. Thank you to those who have added to it. Please take the time to read it when visiting the school.
Spirituality Sunday 23rd June - Most Holy Body and Blood of the Lord
Morning reflection is issued every week by our Chaplain and is available on the school’s website:
Throughout the year 23 pupils in Year 6 and past pupils in Years 7 and 9 have been participating in the CYMFED (Catholic Youth Ministry Federation) Faith in Action scheme. Their submissions for moderation have come in a variety of mediums (poetry, collage, artwork, origami to name just a few) and are all inspirational reflections on their journey in faith this year. We look forward to receiving the moderators' comments and celebrating these young people's efforts and achievements later in the term.
Junior classes concluded their reconciliation topic in RE this week. It has been wonderful to learn, alongside the children, about those who have shown forgiveness in our community. Y4 were particularly shocked that Pope John Paul II not only met the man who had shot him in 1981, but then forgave him! Real life examples like this really help the children to see faith in action and talking about our feelings, good and bad, is so valuable.
Table Talk Topic for this week - If children ruled the world, what differences might we see? ? Just a reminder, that we have a Prayer Intention Book in the Reception area of each school. Please feel free to write your intentions in as you wish. Thank you to those who have added to it. Please take the time to read it when visiting the school.
Spirituality Sunday 16th June - Most Holy Trinity
Morning reflection is issued every week by our Chaplain and is available on the school’s website:
On Monday Y6 had their retreat day at Holy Family Church. Despite the heavy and persistent rain, our spirits were not dampened. Throughout the day pupils had opportunities to reflect upon their own faith journeys, their time at St. Mary's and the opportunities and challenges they will face in their new schools. They heard Pope Francis' words that they are the "now of God" and his call for young people to be truly themselves and not a photocopy of someone else.
They also heard about Jean Vanier, the founder of the L'Arche Community, and listened to inspirational words from him as he spoke about how to deal with the negative pressures which confront us. He urged young people to "allow yourself to listen to your dream and also discover the dream of God, the dream of Jesus, the dream that we shall all be one and can love each other, whatever our religion, whatever our culture, we can be people working for oneness, for peace." With Christ at the centre of everything we do, that can become a reality. ?
Table Talk Topic for this week - What makes a house a home? ? Just a reminder, that we have a Prayer Intention Book in the Reception area of each school. Please feel free to write your intentions in as you wish. Thank you to those who have added to it. Please take the time to read it when visiting the school.
Spirituality Sunday 9th June - Pentecost
Morning reflection is issued every week by our Chaplain and is available on the school’s website:
The children have all started new topics in their RE lessons this week. The theme, which links all our learning, is Reconciliation. So this may be a useful topic to discuss at home next time the children fall out with a friend. How we can make good choices, build bridges and say sorry is so important.
Table Talk Topic for this week - Why make a promise? Just a reminder, that we have a Prayer Intention Book in the Reception area of each school. Please feel free to write your intentions in as you wish. Thank you to those who have added to it. Please take the time to read it when visiting the school.