St. Mary's Catholic Federation, Carshalton

St. Mary's Catholic Federation, Carshalton

Learning, Playing and Growing together in the Love of Jesus

Catholic Life - News

23rd April 2020

A prayer of self-offering

A prayer of self-offering

Lord, let me see with Your eyes and hear with Your ears,

That I may know what You are calling me to do.

Grant me the wisdom to guide my thoughts according to Your will, and the grace to share Your love with others, no matter the circumstances.

Through Christ our Lord,



23rd April 2020

Prayer for a Pandemic

23rd April 2020

Cathedral Masses at 7pm on Thursdays

Cathedral Masses at 7pm on Thursdays

Thursdays at 7pm

Live-streamed Masses with a special intention for the sick, their families, NHS front-line workers and those working in social care.

23 April
Cardinal Vincent Nichols
Westminster Cathedral
Westminster Cathedral on

30 April
Bishop Richard Moth
Our Lady and St Philip Howard, Arundel
YouTube Channel

7 May
Bishop Marcus Stock
St Anne’s Cathedral, Leeds
YouTube Channel

14 May
Bishop Robert Byrne CO
St Mary’s Cathedral, Newcastle
YouTube Channel

21 May
Bishop Mark Davies
Our Lady Help of Christians and Saint Peter of Alcantara, Shrewsbury

28 May
Bishop Terence Drainey
St Mary’s Cathedral, Middlesbrough
YouTube Channel 

23rd April 2020

Spiritual Communion – The Prayer of St Alphonsus

Spiritual Communion – The Prayer of St Alphonsus

My Jesus,

I believe that you are present in this Holy Sacrament of the altar.

I love you above all things and I pasionately desire to receive you into my soul.

Since I cannot now receive you sacramentally, come spiritually into my soul so that I may unite myself wholly to you now and forever.


21st April 2020

A prayer for present times - 21.04.2020