St. Mary's Catholic Federation, Carshalton

St. Mary's Catholic Federation, Carshalton

Learning, Playing and Growing together in the Love of Jesus

Joint Newsletter - Spiritual Section - 19th December 2019

19th December 2019




The season of Advent is a time of preparation for the celebration of the Birth of Jesus Christ at Christmas. The children have been busy preparing by listening to the special liturgies and taking part in Nativity and Carol Concerts. Well done to all the children for singing so beautifully and reading so clearly. Thank you all for the generous donations to the Reverse Advent collections, several boxes have been filled and taken for families in need within our community.






It has been a busy half term! On the Solemnity of All Saints’, we celebrated a whole school Mass, including children from the Infant school. We thank Fr Luke for helping us to understand that we are all saints.


All classes have had a Chaplaincy Session with Mrs Norbury with a focus on the messages of Pope Francis: the juniors focused on his Beatitudes for young people; Y1 and Y2 thought about Laudato Si (live simply); and Reception thought about the meaning behind the words of the Our Father.


On Red Wednesday, we prayed the Angelus at midday, joining others around the world in solidarity with those who do not have the freedom to practice their faith as we do. Y5 went to Mass, thinking about someone who is unable to do so- perhaps in Syria.


We thank you all for your generosity and consideration of other people in our community. Donations for the backpacks for Malawi, organised with the charity Mary’s Meals, are making their way to Africa! The video we saw of children receiving these gifts made us feel very proud of sharing such happiness.


We started our Advent preparation for Christmas by visiting the chapel at St Philomena’s for a time of Adoration in front of the Blessed Sacrament. The children found that this time of silence with Our Lord brought them peace at a time of year which is usually very busy.


Donations continue to come to school for our Reverse Advent Calendar. Instead of taking something out, we put something in… these donations go to the Food Bank at St Philomena’s for anyone in our community who might need them.


Christmas cards were designed by children at the Juniors for entry into the Diocesan Christmas Card competition. The winning entries were sent away and the Chaplaincy Team and the Faith in Action team have been busy turning the rest into cards, which will be sent to prisoners at High Down and Down View Prisons. Fr Paul will distribute these for us.


Faith in Action Award (Y6 children) started last week: this year we are collaborating with St Philomena’s High School for Girls. This group of children work towards the Award, which recognises, rewards and celebrates the active faith and service of young people.